Training with Lash & Brow Bar NJ is truly one of the most unique, well rounded and completely comprehensive PMU training programs making our trainings one of the most sought after programs for PMU education. Looking for a career change or an extra income, Permanent makeup can bring a 5-6 figure income into your pocket. Located in the heart of the Tri-State area in Hackensack, NJ. Training at our clinic is not only an amazing experience but very convenient.
Planning to work in NJ?
By the NJ.gov website in order to practice permanent make up in the state of NJ you need to be an AAM (American Academy of Micropigmentation ) Board Certified artist. Here are the 3 simple steps to become one.
Take a Fundamental 100 hours course from an AAM Board Certified Trainer.
In-Class Duration
6 Days of class
Additional Model Days
To become an AAM board certified artist, students will be required to perform 9 additional apprenticeship (for a total of 15) each procedure has to be supervised by one of our AAM Board Certified Artists.
- Powder Brows
- Ombré Brows
- Magic Shading
- Lash Enhancement
- Classic Eyeliner
- Smokey Eyeliner
- Lip Blush
- Lipstick Effect
Class Hours
9am to 5pm 8 Hours Days (we may start earlier or run later on some days so please leave your schedule flexible)
Class Size
Group Trainings (Max 8 Students)
Private 1on1 Trainings with customized schedule ($1,000 extra)
Class Dates
March 3rd - 8th, 2025
May 26th -31st 2025
Course Covers

Pre Course
- What is Permanent Makeup
- The history of Permanent Makeup
- Consultation: Medical Profile, Informed Consent, Terms and Conditions
- Documentation: Client Forms, Privacy and Storage
- Sanitation: PPE, BBP
- Insurance and Licensing
- Paper Practice
- Obtaining Blood-borne Pathogen Certification
Science & Anatomy
- Lips Anatomy
- Brows Anatomy
- Eyes Anatomy
- Skin Anatomy
Color Theory
- Brows
- Eyes
- Lips
Color Correction
- Brows
- Lips
Pigment Theory/Selection
- Brows
- Eyes
- Lips
- Machine Theory
- Types and Choices
- Your Hand / Ergonomics
- Needle Theory
- Configuration and Safety
- Creation & Execution (Mapping)
- Eyes Mapping and Sketching
- Lips Mapping and Sketching
- Brow Mapping and Sketching
- Topical Anesthetics
- 5% Proper use and application
- Pre and Post Care: Brows, Eyes, Lips
- Latex practice
- Eyebrows
- Eyes
- Lips
- Student Live Model practice on Brows
- Marketing and Photography
- Aseptic Practices (Work Station set up/ tear down and Working Clean)
- Practice: Paper, Latex, 3D Latex
- Brows
- Live Student Models - eyes
- Live Student Models -Lips
- Graduation Exam

Why choose us?
Total cost group training: $5,900
Total cost private training: $6,900
DEPOSIT: To reserve a seat in the class a deposit of $2,500 has to be paid via website, this deposit is non-refundable, non- transferable, before reserving your seat please make sure our dates work with your schedule.
After you reserve your seat for the selected class, within 72 hours you will be receiving our welcome email.
BALANCES: The remaining balance will be due 3 weeks before the class starts – no exceptions.
After you complete step 1, you will have to do 9 more procedures, each one of them will have a cost of $400.
(These can be paid 1 at the time) and can be scheduled with any of our artists.
After you complete step 1 and 2 now you are ready to take step 3 – test directly with the AAM
Link in here: https://www.micropigmentation.org
After you complete the test you are ready to work legally in the state of NJ, and we are here to help you on your new journey!
Register now!
The retainer for this service is $2,500.00. Please read carefully the following Terms & Conditions before agreeing, ensuring you fully understand them and agree to them, do not proceed if you have a discrepancy with the terms and conditions stated.
By proceeding you hereby agree to be bound to all the terms and conditions.
I have read and agree to the terms and conditions*
I acknowledge that there is a chance my scheduled class date may be postponed or rescheduled due to the New Jersey State mandated COVID 19 business closures. *
I acknowledge that should I choose to cancel my class altogether because of postponement, this will result in a forfeit of my deposit, and any future classes will require a new deposit to reserve my spot. *
I acknowledge my balance will be due in full 3 weeks prior to the start of my Pre-Training. An email will be sent to the email provided as a reminder prior to delivery of the Pre Course. *
I acknowledge failure to pay balance due within 3 weeks of pre-course will lead to my forfeit of deposit. *
I understand that a 3% transaction fee will be charged along with my balance when paying with a debit or credit card. However to avoid paying a transaction fee I may use a bank’s certified check payable to PMU Academy Lash and Brow Bar NJ or cash by dropping it off personally at the clinic no later than 3 full weeks before pre-training.