Require Waiting Periods
- Lasik or Cataract Surgery ~ 1 month prior and wait 3 months post-op • Latisse ~ 2 weeks off
- Botox or Dysport ~ 2 weeks if the Botox was well done and they didn’t make one brow higher than the other one
- Fillers i.e. Juvederm, Silk, Voluma, Sculptra, etc. 2 weeks
- Fat transfer in lips ~ wait 3 months for swelling to subside
- Accutane full dose ~ 1 year (half-dose or prophylactic dose needs medical clearance) • Suntanned skin ~ 1 month
- Retinols, glycolic acid, Vitamin C peels ~ 8 weeks
- Lasers, IPL ~ 8 weeks
- Shingles shot ~ 1 month
- Laser that removed old permanent makeup ~ 8 weeks
Contraindications for Procedure
- Pregnant / Breastfeeding
- Chemotherapy and Radiation full treatments ~ prophylactic chemotherapy is generally safe to proceed
- Active dermatologic disorders, i.e. rosacea, eczema, psoriasis
- Eyelash extensions must be removed prior to eyeliner
- Sick with flu/fever
- Active herpes anywhere on the face
Require Medical Clearance/Pre-Medication
- Heart valves, stents, pacemakers, rheumatic fever ~ medical clearance and pre-medication • Organ transplants ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
- Joint replacements ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
- Insulin dependent diabetics ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
- Fever blister history ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
- Shingles history ~ medical clearance and pre-medication, even with immunization • Seizures ~ medical clearance
- Blood thinners, steroids ~ medical clearance
- Glaucoma, medical clearance
- Lupus/ Autoimmune Disease ~ medical clearance and pre-medication
- Graves’ Disease (eye diseases) ~ medical clearance
- Anxiety/Bipolar disorders- medical clearance
- Blepharitis ~ medical clearance